Box Breathing: A Simple Technique for Stress Relief

Overview Four-square breathing, sometimes referred to as the box breathing technique, is a simple technique that you can do at any time that you feel stressed. Controlled breathing is an integral part of meditation and can be utilized independently to calm nerves and...

Mindfulness-based Psychotherapy

If you or a loved one is struggling with sleepless nights, sadness, constant worry or fear, frustration, lack of focus, panic attacks or even chronic discomfort, mindfulness-based psychotherapy can be of help. Through mindfulness-based psychotherapy one can learn the...

Stress Reduction

Kay Allen LPC Justin’s soccer game starts fifteen minutes after Emily’s, but the games are on two different fields on the opposite side of town.  Or, you’ve had a long taxing work week with (pick one) toxic coworker drama, management chaos, looming layoffs, increased...