Couple’s Therapy for Lesbian Relationships

Couple’s therapy for Lesbian relationships is similar in many ways to that for heterosexuals: training in communications and conflict resolution skills, anger management, addressing interactive maladaptive patterns, and processing underlying issues causing conflict. ...

“Feelings, nothing more than feelings . . .”

Most of us are “phobic” of our negative feelings. We do all that we can to cling to the positive, happy ones. But when a negative emotion sails through, we panic—heading for the self-help books, Oprah, substance abuse to numb. (“Snap out of it.” “Pull yourself up by...

Eating Disorders and Disordered Eating

She speeds towards the day care facility through rush hour traffic after a full,stressful day at work. It’s five o’clock. She’s hungry, tired, and irritable, and the toughest part of the day is about to begin—cranky kids, soccer practice, dinner preparation,...