How to choose a therapist

 How to choose a therapist: You have made an important choice, a potentially life-changing choice: to begin therapy (sex therapy, marriage counseling, couples counseling, individual therapy, or family therapy). But how do you find a good therapist? Do Your Homework:...


When depression hits, a cloud moves in.  Depression steals the light.  Through the gray filter of depression, even activities and people who were once before a source of pleasure now feel irritating and overwhelming. Nothing brings joy.  Everything’s an ordeal. If you...

Grieving the Break-up

A break-up is like a death.  It requires a grieving process.  That process is more painful if you are the one being left. When someone in our lives dies, we are hit with a variety of painful feelings, varying from depression, panic, anger, loss.  Theorists used to...


A singles group once asked me to give a talk on how to know if a potential partner is a good one.  I developed this list with the help of Clarrisa Pinkolas Estes’ book “How To Love A Woman”. 1. In the relationship you feel free to be fully yourself...

How to get the most out of couples therapy

(Sex Therapy, Couples Counseling, Premarital Counseling, Marriage Counseling, Family Therapy) How to get the most out of couples therapy: you have made an important choice: to invest in the improvement of your relationship. By developing appropriate expectations and...

Bring Romance Back Into Your Relationship

If you’re in a longer-term relationship, you likely have longed for the feelings that were present in the beginning, when it was new, intriguing, exciting. You may wonder if you’re with the right person, since you no longer light up at the sight of your partner. You...