How to choose a therapist

 How to choose a therapist: You have made an important choice, a potentially life-changing choice: to begin therapy (sex therapy, marriage counseling, couples counseling, individual therapy, or family therapy). But how do you find a good therapist? Do Your Homework:...

How to get the most out of couples therapy

(Sex Therapy, Couples Counseling, Premarital Counseling, Marriage Counseling, Family Therapy) How to get the most out of couples therapy: you have made an important choice: to invest in the improvement of your relationship. By developing appropriate expectations and...

Sex Therapy in Newport News, Virginia

Sex therapy takes up about half of Anne Aja’s caseload. The Newport News therapist holds certifications in marriage and family therapy and additionally in sex therapy. “It’s hard to work with a couple and not talk about sex,” she says. To gain licensure from the...

Sex Therapy: Who can benefit and what to expect

What kind of problems can benefit from Sex Therapy? Typically people experiencing concerns about arousal, performance, or satisfaction are likely to benefit from Sex Therapy. Among these problems are decreased or increased desire for intimacy, or in the case of a...